PumpItMan said:Rookie question if anyone would tell me from your experience:
I listed my item and asked to be on shown eBay right away, but I couldn't find it, yet the listing time was already counting down! It Sucks, Man~!
And I later found in its "Help" page it could take 2-6 hours for a listing to be searchable on eBay after its submission. It's a good deal, but what good is it if no one can search it~!
Is this the norm that it takes so long to show up? If that's the case, do you ahve to ask eBay to post at a later time instead of right away to avoid this problem?
Thanks in advance for any tip!
Rockstar said:The reserve price fees are horrible too!
One of my newer listings cost $31, $30 of which is the reserve price!!!
AdamK said:with reserve prices they really get you...your better off just setting the auction at the price you want it to be then making a reserve because its almost as if it charges you twice.....example I listed an XBOX 360 for 1.00 starting and 370 reserve and paid over 8.00 in listing fees
AdamK said:example I listed an XBOX 360 for 1.00 starting and 370 reserve and paid over 8.00 in listing fees
PumpItMan said:Thank you and Big Daddy for tips on item search!
Regarding the reserve price fees, I notice sometimes people charge an extrememly high shipping fee. Is that how they compensate not having to pay the reserve fees while still practically having one, and also save on the listing fees since you could also compensate with the high shipping?
big daddy said:No problem. Some sellers do use that approach (e.g., look at some 512MB MP3 players on eBay), but I don't use those sellers.
PumpItMan said:Why, Big Daddy? Is that approach a turn-off for eBay buyers?
big daddy said:It bothers me in principle since they're ripping off eBay. I'm actually shocked that eBay hasn't come down on these people yet. When I sell I charge a reasonable handling fee and clearly indicate that in my auctions to cover gas to the PO, packing materials, boxes etc. and eBay gets their fair share. Don't get me wrong, I love getting great deals, but I don't want anyone to think that I'm dishonest or trying to pull a fast one before they even bid on my item. Just my :money: .