(Expired) eBay - No Insertion Fees for Your First 3 Items


Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
If you have never sold on eBay, they are offering no insertion fees for your first 3 items. Good time to look around the house for things that you don't need anymore that someone else might want.

Offer runs from 03/15/07 ~ 03/24/07

- Link to Ebay, click "Sell"
be aware that the last time they offered this, in small print somewhere it had category limitations. I listed an office product and they charges me $3.xx for listing, so if it prices out with a listing fee you will be charged and they have your credit card and will not refund you the fee is asked.
Nice idea, but the listing fee is trivial - it's the final value fees that will rape you.
I am going to defend ebay to an extent... I hate the fees too... but where else can you get a worldwide potential customer base for 10%-15% of your total selling price? (That is the total amount after insertion/final value & paypal) If you can sell something locally for a good price (ie: craigslist) than by all means do that... but a rare or sought after item - you are better off going w/ebay! You can offer it to the world and with that... make more money than selling locally even with their fees! I never used to charge a "handling" fee.. but now I do to help offset their fees. This is not something that I like to do.. but it is necessary. I still bring in a couple thousand dollars a year "play money" that I otherwise would not have without ebay. So for someone just getting started... free insertion fees are a good thing (read the fine print though) :)
I used to be a huuuge fan of eBay, but over the last few years their never-ending stream of continual price hikes have put me off them.

The last straw was when they changed their Paypal rules. In order to accept Paypal payments you have to agree to:

1) Accept Credit Card payments (=extra fees).
2) Upgrade your account (=monthly fees)

They also refuse to accept Google Checkout, citing security concerns due to a lack of a track record. I wonder how long they will keep up that charade.

Oh, and if you are a seller and someone uses a stolen credit card to pay you, watch out. Paypal will lock your bank account for 180 days with no recourse. And this is your fault HOW???

For the small sellers that built eBay, this is too much. I have watched them leave, replaced by "megasellers" offering new items at slightly below retail. I have cut back my eBay use markedly, and stopped accepting Paypal entirely.

Bottom line: Like Microsoft, eBay have become a de facto monopoly, and they have acquired the arrogance that goes with it. They need some competition - an AMD to their Intel, if you will - to keep them honest.