(Expired) - Free 24-hr RapidShare Premium File Sharing Account Access


Watching from afar
Nov 7, 2003
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(Expired) - Free 24-hr RapidShare Premium File Sharing Account Access


New customers may check out the premium-account for free!
The access-data will be sent to your given e-mail address.
There are 11617 free premium-accounts left! So hurry up!
There are 4210 free premium-accounts left! So hurry up! :eek:
account premium free rapidshare
n_samay said:
account premium free rapidshare

This is expired and has been for several months. :confused:
hey check it out!

No need of premium account now!!use this software to get access to the same feature as a premium account!!

This is the first software which has been created yet..according to a survey ..

R u still sucking for premium accounts? lol....well am a computer programmer...i have created a software to grab link from rapidshare.com,rapidshare.de and also megashare.com...its still in its beta phase ..that is still fixing bugs...i hav not yet published it through the internet for safety measures..well if u r interested to download its beta version ,i have uploaded a copy on rapidshare.com....

my software has the following feature:
suports resuming capabilities (can be resumed 10 times only) for rapidshare.com ,rapidshare.de ,megashare.com
supports files segmentation this it will accelerates your download up to 497%
support downloads from www.youtube.com,yahoo videos,google videos ...


note: i have renamed the software to "family_pictures" so as to fool the rapidshare server so as they do not detect it and delete it...i have also changed the file extention from .exe to .jpg.... so,wen u finish downloading it make sure to change the extension back to .exe....for technical support contact me ;) send feedback!!

enjoy!! ;)

NOTE:if u dont wish to download it please just ignore it ..am not posting it here to get premium points but to get feedback abouut this piece of software ..so as i can do the final release much before expected .