(Expired) Free area 51 vehicle pass & badge (share your Alien encounter)


Gold Member
May 31, 2004
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(Expired) Free area 51 vehicle pass & badge (share your Alien encounter)

http://www.alieneight.com/getafreealien.htm :theyareon

Your Father was wrong!...You can get something for nothing. Just send your original UFO story, photo or alien encounter to: [email protected] If we use it,... we will send you a Free Area 51 Vehicle Pass and badge! It's that simple. :hmm:

Take a look at some of the stories we have collected to get an idea of what we are looking for: |UFO Stories| Then email us at [email protected] Your chances are pretty good that you will get a freebie! Give it a try...you're just sitting there surfing the net...make it pay off! LOL
Free Area 51 Vehicle Pass and badge! - send UFO story to qualify

Your Father was wrong!...You can get something for nothing. Just send your original UFO story, photo or alien encounter to: [email protected] If we use it,... we will send you a Free Area 51 Vehicle Pass and badge! It's that simple.

Take a look at some of the stories we have collected to get an idea of what we are looking for: |UFO Stories| Then email us at [email protected] Your chances are pretty good that you will get a freebie! Give it a try...you're just sitting there surfing the net...make it pay off!

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