(Expired) - FREE "Dandy Lyon Bites" Sample

  • Thread starter Thread starter jjgailey
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Got this in the mail today. It's kinda chewy and moist.... tastes of coconut and oatmeal. A little on the bitter side for me, though. I don't think I'd buy any, but I enjoyed trying them.

Thanks for the post, jj!
I think they make this out of all the leftover Xmas fruit cakes. They just blend them all together in a big batch and shape them into something different. Atleast that is how they look in the picture. :confused:
Thank you for your request!
Thank you for filling out our form and trying our product! Your Dandy-Lyon Bites trial should arrive shortly
Choochoojr said:
I think they make this out of all the leftover Xmas fruit cakes. They just blend them all together in a big batch and shape them into something different. Atleast that is how they look in the picture. :confused:
If thats true, guess what you're getting for x-mas next year. ;)
Thank you for your request!

Thank you for filling out our form and trying our product! Your Dandy-Lyon Bites trial should arrive shortly.

Thanks. :)
has anyone read the ingredients for these ..

they have horse hair in them - yuckie yuckie yuckie :eek:
Thanks for the post but they don't look very appetizing to me. I think I will pass on this one.
angiehigdon said:
they have horse hair in them - yuckie yuckie yuckie :eek:

Do you mean Horsetail? Horsetail is a plant. It's not horse hair.
I got mine today. They're ugly but not bad.
LOL LOL LOL Horsehair in them. I got mine in the mail today too. Ummm, it really doesn't look that appetizing. I had to check to make sure it didn't get squished in the mail (I would have understood the appearance then)...nope! It was meant to be flat. Well, beef jerky isn't the prettiest looking stuff and I still eat it. Thanks again for the post JJ. :)
I received this in the mail today. It looks gross, but smells good. It tastes ok. I wouldn't but it tho.
Got mine too.... I haven't had the urge to try them they don't look to great.... Got a test dummie Ha Ha
these are actually really good. I had them at the living green expo a few months ago and have been waiting to find a place that sells them. I really love how everything is raw, and natural. Ofcourse thats just the type of person I am...

All in all, thanks for the post. I will def be asking for my free sample.
I received mine and it smelled like stale old cigerettes :eek: so glad it was free