(Expired) Free ESPN Magazine One Year Subscription, For Teens


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
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(Expired) Free ESPN Magazine One Year Subscription, For Teens

Teen Freeway is giving out a free one year subscription (26 issues) to ESPN magazine. Use validation code : 99745.
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cool, i've never gotten espn before.....thanks penpen
Hey awhile back I got a free subscription, one yr also to some magazine, but then after the year was up I was billed for another subscription since the previous free yr was just "complimentary"... I was just wondering if many of these free magazine offers are like that, cause I certainly don't want to get screwed again.
orangepryde said:
Hey awhile back I got a free subscription, one yr also to some magazine, but then after the year was up I was billed for another subscription since the previous free yr was just "complimentary"... I was just wondering if many of these free magazine offers are like that, cause I certainly don't want to get screwed again.

this one doesn't ask for a CC # so I think you would be safe ;)
I think it's dead.

I just tried the link and got "PAGE NOT FOUND".

When I backed into the website, I could not find the ESPN offer.
No Invoice

darylzero said:
this one doesn't ask for a CC # so I think you would be safe ;)

Typically they do not ask for a credit card (if they do, use one that expires soon if you can).

They usually will send you an invoice stating that you owe $xx.xx, if they do this, (assuming you don't want to pay for it) simply write "CANCEL" on the invoice and mail it back to them. Your subscription will stop soon, but you won't owe any money.

**Note: some magazines will invoice you and when you send back the invoice with CANCEL on it, they may keep sending you the magazine for free ... simple reason is that they make their money from the ads in the magazine and they need their numbers as high as possible to charge more for the ads. :claps: