(Expired) FREE Fear Factory - Free Game & Candy Packs-Host A Party

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thanks for the post
I got my two cases of candy today! The kids are thrilled...but with so many packs of them...I think I will use one case to hand out at my sons bday party in two weeks!
lucky you !! I hope mine comes soon my little ones r still talking about it I don't want to disappoint them. We only have another week to get ready for sep 16th.
I received my game and two huge boxes of candy. This is really geared towards kids, I didn't know that.
thanks for the post , we will see what happens and let you know
i just signed up for the gevalia house party...might get something good here!
I recieved an email stating that we are to host a party. I haven't recieved our game set as of yet. How did it arrive? Fedex, UPS, USPS, or DHL?
I haven't received mine either, and I got an email too. I'm a vegetarian, does anyone know if the candy has gelatin or carmine coloring in it?
It came UPS, they left it w/o needing signature. 3 large boxes.