(Expired) Free Hair Bow


Gold Member
May 14, 2008
Reaction score
I did a search on this could find so hope it is not a repost.

BloomingBows.com has quickly become known as THE best place to find the high-quality classic to trendy hair style bows. Please fill in the following information and select your bow from the choices below. You will receive your free bow wihin 5-7 business day. Thank you


It said thanks, etc. but I'm not sure this will come since it was an invite code...
Now it says:

Due to the overwhelming popularity of this offer, it has been temporarily paused. We appreciate your visit!

Thanks anyway.
Due to the overwhelming popularity of this offer, it has been temporarily paused. We appreciate your visit!

Mark this one as over, thanks anyway!
Due to the overwhelming popularity of this offer, it has been temporarily paused. We appreciate your visit!
I got the code from a new site that I visited it is a promo code for the site "cool mom picks" cmp.
i got in on this before the overwhelming message, not holding my breath for it, and i used a junk email just in case, hope that it comes though:)
Due to the overwhelming popularity of the Free Hair Bow program, it has been temporarily paused:verysad:
I got the same message that there was an overwhelming response..NO offense but don't these people know that if they put a freebie out there to EXPECT MASS APPEAL????????? LOL
guess we slammed another company. Too bad. Maybe it will come back.I'd rather have the ice cream anyway
i missed it :(

Due to the overwhelming popularity of the Free Hair Bow program, it has been temporarily paused.
got mine today very small but cute.
Does anyone know of a new promo code for this? I tried CMP10, but I'm not sure if that one works. (I read about it somewhere else ... ) I would love to get this for our new baby girl! :like:
Smidge1 thanks for posting you got yours, gives me hope that mine might show up soon! :) :claps: