(Expired) Free Hat from Electromark


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
Reaction score
Take a multiple choice Safety Sign IQ Test. Submit your answers and get a free gift!

Select the last answer for each of the questions - those are the correct answers. You'll then win the cap.

Note : If you don't take the test or miss a few questions, you'll win a "Sorry We're Open" Sign.
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We appreciate your time in completing our quiz --even if some of these symbols and signs were better [or worse] than others. Anything to increase awareness of good signs is well worth it!

Afterall, a sign can help prevent a terrible tragedy and we all need to work together to make them as effective as possible.

As a reward for completing the quiz, we will be sending to you a free gift.
Yes, signs can be fun. But, they are also very important. Please return to our site whenever you need to provide a warning.


The Electromark Team
Electromark - World's largest on-line site of Warning Signs, Labels and Tags
haha! the sign is better than the hat!! i got one for my dad (small business owner) and one for my preteen daughter to hang in her room... you continue to have my vote penpen-- awesome freebie, thanks!!!
I noticed that you can make your own custom warning sign http://www.electromark.com/indexstock.asp?wizardid=100&gallery=0&prodtype=C. You have to do a bit of navigating to use their wizard. For instance, I clicked on General Signs, then Facility Signs, then horizontal or vertical and put in size of sign desired. I made a sign for the delivery people so packages are left in a shelter instead of out in the open. I just wrote out "UPS, USPS, FEDEX PACKAGE DELIVERIES" and everything is centered nicely. Preview and save image for printing. This might work even better with the free 3M Print To Last Paper http://www.3mmeetingproducts.com/printtolast/index2.cgi?pa=t This could also be fun to use to make custom warning signs for kids rooms, etc. I'm planning on moving in a few months, otherwise I'd order a permanent version.
Nice freebie. I like getting free hats. Thanks penpen!
Great Find :claps: I got myself a hat. Do you know how long it'll take for them to send it to me?
Thanks PenPen,

I got the hat for me and the sign for my wife. Good stuff!
I'm not sure if it's dead or my browser, but the link just takes me to the home page and then I can't open the sign quiz link.
I couldn't get to it either, it might be expired, or the link is dead