(Expired) - Free Motions CPR hair reconstructor (6 oz.)


Silver Member
May 2, 2005
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*Quanties Limited. While supplies last.
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Your free 6 oz. Motions CPR™ Protein Reconstructor will arrive shortly.
thanks peanut! :girl:
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Your free 6 oz. Motions CPR™ Protein Reconstructor will arrive shortly.

Thank you!!
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Your free 6 oz. Motions CPR™ Protein Reconstructor will arrive shortly.
Thanks. I think I'm going to give this to my friend for her daughter.
Now it only says:

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Maybe they are out of samples?
Received my 6 oz. sample today. Can't wait to try it. Thanks peanut. Great post!:bigok:
I got this a while back and used it. It's REALLY greasy so be careful not to use much. Maybe only put it on the ends even- believe me, it's greasy.:)
I recieved my sample today. This is a nice size bottle. FYI this product is used on African Amecian hair. So, if it seems greasy that is why. ;)
I recieved mine today. Nice size freebie I might give this to a friend.