(Expired) Free New Sun Cookies Sample Pack

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thanks for the find. can hardly wait for my cookie.
Always love free food!!! Thanks. Couldn't get STATE to work, then realized you had to pick country first. DUH!!!
Got an email confirmation, so looking good so far!
Thank you for shopping with New Sun Cookies!
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Sorry we are temporarily discontinuing the free sample pack. Please Check back in a couple weeks for this promotion to be back on.

Looks like I missed out...... great post though!
got my cookie today. Have not yet eaten it but it won't be long.
Got my crumbled little cookie today too. Can't believe how much they spent on postage from Canada to mail one free cookie.:stupid: But, thanks!!!
It really is unbelievable that they spent $1.90 Canadian to send ONE entire cookie. Are they nuts? Oh, no, I forgot, it wasn't nuts, it was A COOKIE. Well, anyway, I got it last week.
Got the COOKIE!Thank 's Joyceee!