(Expired) Free Sample HUGE Brand Lubricated Latex "Toy" Covers


Master League
Staff member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
(Expired) Free Sample HUGE Brand Lubricated Latex "Toy" Covers

Free Sample HUGE Brand® Toy Cover Free Sample

HUGE Brand® Toy Covers can help you avoid the mess. You simply remove the toy cover, dispose of it in a waste bin and wipe your toy with a Pleasure Wipetm cloth*. Now you can put it away for the next time you want to play.

HUGE Brand Toy Covers are designed exclusively for vibrators and/or sex toys and are very strong and durable. Great for protecting your favorite toys, allowing them to last longer, making clean-up easier and in the end protecting you from unwanted bacteria.

Made from high grade raw latex materials and sealed in a premium grade waterbased lubricant they are a time saving and economical addition to your toy collection

Free Sample HUGE Brand® Toy Cover Free Sample

HUGE Brand® Toy Covers can help you avoid the mess. You simply remove the toy cover, dispose of it in a waste bin and wipe your toy with a Pleasure Wipetm cloth*. Now you can put it away for the next time you want to play.

HUGE Brand Toy Covers are designed exclusively for vibrators and/or sex toys and are very strong and durable. Great for protecting your favorite toys, allowing them to last longer, making clean-up easier and in the end protecting you from unwanted bacteria.

Made from high grade raw latex materials and sealed in a premium grade waterbased lubricant they are a time saving and economical addition to your toy collection


Glitter, your posts today have a, shall we say, interesting theme...:wink:...yet your mood says "sad"~everything okay????
:pound:............................I could order 2 and they were still free .........................:rofl:
:rofl::rofl::rofl: i think i need to buy a "toy" first LOL
Can't get pregnant.....but thanks again Glitter. You come up with some very interesting posts.
:pound:............................I could order 2 and they were still free .........................:rofl:

Gathering Christmas stocking stuffers already, dbee?!!......:yesnod:

Can't get pregnant.....but thanks again Glitter. You come up with some very interesting posts.

What???????:confused: You do understand what these are for, right?
Already out of sock...oops, I meant out of stock ;)


Thank you for ordering the Free Sample of the
"Toy Cover" by HUGE Brand.

Your order was shipped June 11, 2009.

We would like to take a moment to introduce you to the other specials currently running on our website.

Special available to the public:

HUGE Brand condoms assortment pack - 12 HUGE Brand condoms.

(2 Lubricated 3packs, 1 Large ..:wink:..lubricated 3pack, & 1 Ribbed lubricated 3pack)
$3.95 +S&H

(everyday pricing $15.95 + S&H $4.95=$20.91)

The Collection 12pack by MAXPRO - 3each of original, :hungry:..mint, elite, and pure style condoms. FREE! just pay shipping & handling of $4.95
(everyday price $12.99 + shipping & handling of $4.95 = $17.94)

Members Only Specials

I guess they figure if your asking for "huge" toy covers they can hope you will probably need lots of the others.. lol