(Expired) Free Sample Nightfood Bars

Received the following email Wednesday night...

"Hi xxxxxx,

When you requested your free sample of NightFood over the summer, we
weren't sure at that time when we'd have enough bars to fulfill the
THOUSANDS of sample requests we'd received.

We're happy to let you know that your sample is now on the way to you!

Sometime between today and Monday, you should receive your 2 NightFood
bars, along with an informational brochure."
Your free sample will be shipped in approximately 2 days! We know you're gonna love it! When you do, be sure to tell all your friends. Thanks again!
Active again with facebook share involved

Have trouble sleeping at night?
Try NightFood™ for FREE and start sleeping better every night

Want to sleep better every night?
Now you can do it. Naturally.

Just eat a NightFood™ bar before you go to bed. NightFood™ bars supply your body and mind with the nutrition it needs for a restful and rejuvenating night of sleep. You'll fall asleep faster, and sleep better throughout the night. With 2 FREE bars, you can try NightFood™ for a few nights with no risk, and see how much better you sleep. Better yet, notice how great you'll feel the next day too.
Our sample program is currently backlogged for approximately 2 months.

Share this deal with your friends on Facebook and get your FREE NightFood bars!
Last edited:
Due to overwhelming demand, we have had to cancel our free sample program until further notice.