(Expired) Free Sample of Boogie Wipes

Is this an April Fool's joke? :rofl:
Your information has been submitted. Please allow 7-10 business days for delivery of your sample.
A confirmation email is on its way to [email protected] and should arrive shortly.

Note: To ensure proper delivery of our emails, take a moment now and add us - [email protected] - to your address book, trusted sender list, or company white list
didn't have a place for zip code??? stuck it on the line with the state. odd.
:wavey: Hi sun, I just did it and there was a spot for the zip code..............:)

thank you. :rofl: There now is a place to put it...I submitted for a 3rd time. Talk about being a snot! :lol:
Thanks, these sound cute
Received in the mail today. Going to give to my SIL. Thanks!
I had gotten an email awhile back that I was not going to get these. Oh well, that's what sleeves are for.
I think they ran out or were slammed or something like that
We would love to still send you a free sample but we have run out already!
Got this over the weekend - came in a white envelope. It's grape scented!