(Expired) Free Sample of InkBGone

Thank you for registering with Stainhotline.com. We are very excited about our new Ink*B*Gone product and trust you will be too!!

We will be contacting you in the next two to four weeks regarding your free sample.
I haven't been around here all that long, but I've yet to receive any sample or freebie that I've signed up for.


/tries again
I haven't been around here all that long, but I've yet to receive any sample or freebie that I've signed up for.


/tries again

Could be a problem with your postal carrier/office~from time to time some of us clearly had "carrier issues". Samples are from many different companies so you would have to look at common denominator!!
I haven't been around here all that long, but I've yet to receive any sample or freebie that I've signed up for.


/tries again

You won't ever get everything you sign up for, but there are many legitimate offers which do pan out for us. I have serious doubts about this one myself, since they want you to "register" again (they sent me an e-mail) after filling out the form. The URL it goes to doesn't seem right to me. But, as regards the big picture, take my word for it: If you check in regularly and listen to everything I say (Ha Ha), you will eventually start to get the hang of it and begin receiving goodies.
The best deal I've ever received here is a free $180 camcorder for some Kodak naming contest. I couldn't believe it. Just keep watching for opportunities. :-)
Thank You! We have received your registration. You will receive an email shortly to validate your registration.
Got this today. Nice size bottle and a little black marker. Thanks OP
Well, I won't be getting this --they sent me an e-mail saying they've given away all that they are going to give away. Only one person here got it? They said they gave away $15,000 of product. Hope you enjoy your $15,000 bottle, checkers!
Active again

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