(Expired) Free Scoop at Haagen dazs 4-8pm Today

This is awesome, but every Haagen Dazs near me is a pain in the neck to get to. Theres one in the Zoo (gotta pay to get in), one in the French Quarter (nowhere to park and its all one way streets) and then theres one at the Convention Center (gotta pay to park). LAME!
2 in malls near me. Both are in heavy traffic areas though. BTW, this stuff is made in Jersey.
Only one near me is at O'hare Airport... not too bad, $30 for parking to get free scoop of ice cream -- not to mention, they would probably not even honor it.
Sweetness! The nearest Haagen Daz to me is at the Stanford Mall, very close and free parking :)
:verysad: None in Austin, Texas...boo hoo. I think I will go drown my sorrows in a bowl of free ice cream from my freezer.