(Expired) - Free Stuff or Maxim

Why is it Stuff and Maxim is always being given away? I love getting them both for free but man, it's weird. Does anyone agree? Nice find though!! :)
They give it away because they are the most popular magazine for a young male reader group. A type of person a lot of advertisers want to target, so they are making a lot of money off advertising, so they can easily give it away to make their user base larger and more appealing for an advertiser. Not like I care, i got it until 2012 from free offers... maybe 2013 now. lol
This site just looks like it is being used to collect info for spam mail and emai lists. I highly doubt you will get the magazines.

Here is their whois domain info

Promotions, Answergarden (36366855P)
335 N. Mariposa Ave. #3
Los Angeles, CA 90004
They make $ giving away by fooling advertisers. The bigger their subscription #s, the more they charge advertisers. Trade journals count free 'qualified' subscribers. Mags like this count only paid subscribers but the trick/lie is they sell these sites subscriptions in bulk @ very cheap prices (like a penny per issue). The website uses it to draw in your visit & your personal info so they can sell it, so they can spam you etc.

So you use disposable email accounts, change last 4 digits (only) of your phone #, & use a deliverable name that protects your ID & still gets your mail.
It's looks shady, but it's no problem putting a fake email. I always use '[email protected]', I'm sure he's pretty pissed right now.
i live in los angeles and i know that address.
what a jerk. should i send some fbi to that address?
not cool

Man if its really just a data collecting scam then someone sould call the IRS and say he's cheating on his taxes.... the guy will get audited... cause he probably is if someone is paying him for the info...
I already get both of the magazine free from signing up from this site
does anyone have a valid real link for those magazines?
They come and go, usually goes fast. The legit ones I've gotten magazines from are usually from freebizmags and magcentral. I've never seen this one before so I'd be a lil wary. Doesn't hurt to try tho, I've got about 12 active subscriptions right now and my garage is filling up, hehe. Just have a yahoo or hotmail address that is strictly for collecting spam. =)
This in no more than a SPAM Farming tool.You will regret it.
kkaufman said:
This in no more than a SPAM Farming tool.You will regret it.

I have to agree with you. Now it is also dead, must have received enough information so they shut it down. LOL