(Expired) Free Subsciption to Maxim Magazine (New Subs only)


Platinum Member
Jul 17, 2006
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(Expired) Free Subsciption to Maxim Magazine (New Subs only)

All Free Magazines is proud to offer you a free complimentary subscription to Maxim. No survey to fill out, and no credit card to enter. We don't play around when it comes to your personal information, we will never distribute your address to any 3rd party for any reason.By signing up for this offer you are signing up for the All Free Magazines newsletter, you can opt out of the newsletter at any time.

About Maxim:

A men's service magazine with a lighthearted but authoritative attitude covering sports, sex, quality gear and entertainment from an unapologetically male perspective.

It's an All Free Magazines Subscription Roulette... from other sites you might get one maybe even two years.... but from us you can get as many as 4 YEARS. It will be randomly selected how many years you get but it will range from 1 to 4 YEARS! This offer has limited quantities. If you get the signup successful page that just means your information went through it does not guarantee you a subscription.
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Sorry, this offer is no longer available.
so ive subscribed to a couple of these, do you have to cancel your subscription or it will bill you after the free year?
dang that was so quick, luckly I got it before it expired:teeth: