(Expired) Free Subscription to Hallmark Magazine from FreebizMag.com

TY, Joyce! I always receive the mags I sign up for from Freebiz!
I've been getting mine!! (I'm guessing it's from this offer)
I went thru this twice & Hallmark was never a choice. Diabetes Self-Management was, but I wanted Hallmark!!!
I filled out all the info and then it said I needed a password strange? It wouldn't work for me even with my password uggg!!!!
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I went thru this twice & Hallmark was never a choice. Diabetes Self-Management was, but I wanted Hallmark!!!

I think you automatically get Hallmark but then they offer you other publications based on your answers.
It offered me "Website Magazine", and nothing else. Boo-hoo! I have been wanting Hallmark mag. for a long while, and it never seems to be available when I try to sign up for it. :(

Received this email today:

Dear Reader Panel member:

It is with great sadness that we write to let you know that Hallmark Magazine is
ceasing publication.

Over the last 3 years and 15 issues, we have done our best to create a magazine
that would help you appreciate life's meaningful moments. We began with the
notion that Hallmark Magazine would be built on stories about the true substance
of women's lives - our families and friends, our homes and communities, our
traditions and celebrations. And you responded: This was not a magazine about
experts or celebrities; it was a magazine about you. As members of our reader
panel, you told us your stories, you offered advice, you even tested our recipes
(and gave us yours). We hope you know how grateful we are for all that you

However, these are difficult economic times, especially for magazines, so the
February/March issue will be the last you will receive. Our parent company,
Hallmark Cards, will be in touch with you soon regarding how they will fulfill
your subscription.

All of us who built this magazine have grown to think of you as friends, and
this magazine as the backyard fence where we pause to share the stories of our
days. It has been a privilege to spend this time with you, and we'll miss you.


The Editors of Hallmark Magazine

I always thought of hallmark as just a card maker. What does the magazine have or what do you read about in this? Is it just a catalogue?