(Expired)Free T-Shirt from Dailywaste.com

Seems fun! Great post glitterdog!
Thank you for your submission! If you requested a free t-shirt you should expect to receive it in 6 to 8 weeks.

Hope it comes!
Thanks! I didn't see a place for the size??? I got a Holiday Inn IW Tshirt 2day! Says "It's Bacon Time" LOL Love free T's!:)
For a limited time Dailywaste is giving away free t-shirts to everyone who submits a funny picture, video, joke or other media item. If you do not wish to receive a free t-shirt do not provide your address.
I've done this b4 and nothing ever comes..anyone ever get anything from daily waste? STill waiting for a t-shirt and a ball cap
Yep, repost, never came. Thanks anyway
Daily Waste is giving away free t-shirts to the first 5,000 who submit a funny picture, video, joke or other media item. Please browse around Daily Waste (if you have not already) so that you get a feel for what to submit. DO NOT submit a random picture of yourself or your pet that is [...]