(Expired) Free t-shirt from Stupidvideos for cell phone survey


Pickles, I need pickles..
Feb 26, 2007
Reaction score
(Expired) Free t-shirt from Stupidvideos for cell phone survey


Do you own cell phone? If yes, take our short 15 question survey and get a FREE Stupidvideos limited edition T-shirt! Only users who own and use a cell phone and live in the US, qualify.

http://www.questionpro.com/akira/TakeSurvey?id=701917 Link to survey

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Thank you for your feedback! Your response has been saved and recorded with ID xxxxxxx. If you requested our t-shirt, it will be shipped to you soon. Thanks again!

Lets see if one of those cell phone survey tshirts show up
Fifteen easy questions! Hope the shirt is as cool as it looks!
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Thank you for your feedback! Your response has been saved and recorded with ID 6046072. If you requested our t-shirt, it will be shipped to you soon. Thanks again!
Thank you for your feedback! Your response has been saved and recorded with ID xxxxxxx. If you requested our t-shirt, it will be shipped to you soon. Thanks again!
:bigok: Thanks for the Post!!! I ordered one for myself and one for my daughter, but i'll give her mine too..
Thank you for your feedback! Your response has been saved and recorded with ID 6053526. If you requested our t-shirt, it will be shipped to you soon. Thanks again!
Nice :) This one let's you order your tshirt in a size other than L or XL finally!
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