(Expired) Free T-Shirt from TripAdvisor--1st 10,000

I could always use an extra t-shirt, too bad it only comes in medium. Guess it will go to the kids, thanks Joyce.
Thanks Joyce.....hope it comes!
Thanks Joyce, that was easy. I am already a member and when I clicked on your link, the form was filled out all ready and all I had to do was press submit. dbee

Size medium was all that was available
That could not have been easier. I LOVE Trip Advisor and consult it all the time.
Thank you Joyce! I will use the shirt for dust cloths and doing windows! LOL Love this site, and, have used it for years to see what folks think about hotels, airlines, resorts, etc. Very helpful, gives some insights that I may have forgotten and tips to make my traveling easier! Nice find!:)
dust clothsLOL LOL I did not think of thatLOL
dust clothsLOL LOL I did not think of thatLOL

LOL LOL LOL LOL I also tie them in knots for Jeb Stuart to play tug of war with, or, just chew on them! Another thing tee shirts are good for is polishing silver, or sinks and faucets! In a pinch, I have used the free tee shirts when babies have visited and the Mommy didn't pack enough of diapers! Hey, a tee shirt and some surgical tape worked just fine! :claps: Can never have enough of spare tee shirts about the house! Rags;)
Too bad it's for a size medium. I'll use it to clean with :)
This is to whoever gave this post a 1 star: I guess you aren't a TripAdvisor fan, huh? :rofl: :rofl:
free tee shirts

Several local churches rotate housing homeless men in the winter months. My women's club collects new socks and underwear for the men. Free tee shirts are perfect for them. I have a good supply.
This is to whoever gave this post a 1 star: I guess you aren't a TripAdvisor fan, huh? :rofl: :rofl:

What the hell?!?! Okay now look here who ever gave Joyce's post a one star.....I have a vicious, evil tempered, snarling, snaggle tooth, biting, growling thirteen pound of power fluff SHIH TZU, and if you ever give Joyce another one star rating, I am sending Jeb over to find you!!! :mmph: Just gimme a few hours to feed him, and, wake him up first! Pay them no mind Joyce, I have never known any of YOUR POSTS to merit a one star. Not as if you are posting used dental floss, or melted Preparation H suppositories!:28:

Rags and Jeb Stuart
I didn't mean to get you started, Rags! :rofl: Please don't send Jeb! I was poking fun..I'll email you later! :rofl: :rofl: :hug: