(Expired) Free VS Undies Panty at Victoria’s Secret EXPIRES 6/5

I'm going that way today. I'll try to get some free panties!!
this is awesome! 2 free panty offers in 1 week!:hurray:
I did get the e-mail for the first one, but didn't go (first thing Monday morning is not a good time for me!). But maybe I can get there by tomorrow--and it doesn't have to be "first thing." Thanks.
got panty #3 today-
received e-mail for Monday's free pair
while at store on Monday, clerk passed out cards to come back Tuesday
for another free pair
they got panty #3 today!
The first two days, clerks said we could have any panty on the table,
so I actually chose the $10.00 ones; today, she said it had to be the
solid $7.50 pair, but free is good to me!
went there with my mom around 8 and the lady said we are the first ones to show up with the coupon LOL.
These are very nice panties. I have also gotten free ones in the past. The "Pink" bling ones are nice also. I got those with another offer a short while back. Got my mom into going to Victoria's Secret now. :yesnod:
I never got to this by June 5th, but I asked yesterday if I could get a free pair anyway. The manager said "No," (unfortunately, new mgr--old one would have given it to me), but the girl in charge of the underwear/bras said "Yes...because these are new and they really want me to try a pair." I hated them anyway. But these always sell well at my garage sales (if I ever have one again).
I did go to the mall on the 5th. Shopped all over and FORGOT to go to VS. What a doofus!!! Not sure they would fit me either but I have smaller daughters. Oh well