(Expired) Pennzoil: Free Case of Oil / Oil Change & Free Hat


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Jun 3, 2007
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(Expired) Pennzoil: Free Case of Oil / Oil Change & Free Hat

When you join the Pennzoil Platinum Campaign you'll get an invitation for a FREE case of Pennzoil Platinum or a FREE oil change (up to a $60 value!), a spiffy Pennzoil Platinum hat, an adaptive molecule "stress reliever", some rebates to pass along to the people you Buzz and the Official Guide that will tell you all you need to know about Pennzoil Platinum and more!

Note... Allow yourself about 5 minutes to sign up for this offer.

- Link to Offer
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great thanks for the post..

You should expect the Penzoil Platinum(R) Campaign kit to arrive within 21 days. To ensure your kit gets to you quickly, make sure your shipping address is up to date! Click 'Edit Profile' to check and update your address.
Great Post! Looks like by joining this, you will be eligible for others offers in the future! My husband will love me for getting in on this one. :)
You should expect the Penzoil Platinum(R) Campaign kit to arrive within 21 days. To ensure your kit gets to you quickly, make sure your shipping address is up to date! Click 'Edit Profile' to check and update your address.

thanks so much! :)
This is great!
I got this. Great kit, I love the hat and stress ball.:)
"Campaign is full" now... oh well! Is anyone else having success?

UPDATE: I just signed up my brother and got through okay. Weird.
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You should expect the Penzoil Platinum(R) Campaign kit to arrive within 21 days. To ensure your kit gets to you quickly, make sure your shipping address is up to date!
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Thanks. I got in! :claps:
Got it!

Thanks! Kit should arrive in 21 days!
Thank you, First Driver for joining the Pennzoil Platinum® Campaign

Wow, that was a lot of effort. I was confused because the website said Car & Driver. It took a little bit of time before I realized it would take me to the Pennzoil deal.