(Expired)Possibly Win a Freebie Every Hour at the Suntek Store


Master League
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
(Expired)Possibly Win a Freebie Every Hour at the Suntek Store


SuntekStore offers a FREE product every hour! When the countdown clock turns to 00:00:00. Just provide your shipping information within next 2 minutes & you'll win the product for free. One lucky winner at every hour, so have fun and good luck!

Free "Price Label Gun Tag Marker Red" at 5pm EST (Eastern Standard Time)

Free "Car Charger for Audiovox / Blackberry Pearl" at 6pm EST

Free "7 Pieces Pirate Makeup Set for Children Costume" at 7pm EST

Free "3 Band Pocket Size Radio Receiver" at 8pm EST
awww there's only one winner every hour. I may give it a try tho.
Creddy, I would also give it a try if I ever remember! :wink: :lol:
Awesome! I actually grabbed one yesterday! Now I just hope that SuntekStore will honour it and ship it to me :-)

You may preview their next freebies here:

... and you can plan your strategy when to grab what you want. But hope you guys are not competing with me because I gonna try again. Thanks JoyceHarkless!
I saw what i want..give u a hint ..it's something for the baby in winnie the pooh! Fingers crossed that i get this one.
Awesome! I actually grabbed one yesterday! Now I just hope that SuntekStore will honour it and ship it to me :-)

You may preview their next freebies here:

... and you can plan your strategy when to grab what you want. But hope you guys are not competing with me because I gonna try again. Thanks JoyceHarkless!

Glad you got in, springroll! :clap2: Now if I can remember to play myself! :wink:
OK--I tried this and it didn't work for me. I clicked when the clock was all zeroes, and it told me I had to be quick. Well, how much quicker could I be? I'm assuming I was in the right place at the right time. Confused. BTW, am I the only one having trouble getting their pages to load? Somewhat slow using AOL.
Won a door alarm. Will let you all know if/when I get it :D
:thinking: It seems to be right on the hour :smiley:
:cry: How much quicker do I need to be??????????????:rant:
But I didn't really want that one anyways! :)
I find it funny that there is only one winner per hour but from here there has already been 2 winners, both from newer members. Springroll joined just to say he won and upon further investigation I found they also run a website very similar to the one posted here. This contest seems more like a decision to drum up a little bit more traffic to their site which in turn might get more business. The 2 members who stated they won might be more like pawns to keep us interested and too give false hope that this is a legit contest. I doubt that any of us regulars will win anything. This company does not have a store front or retail shop and ships directly from Hong Kong, China.

I could be wrong but this sure does smell fishy IMHO :ack:
You might be right about springroll, but I'm fairly certain I'm not a pawn. I've posted her since before this point - I also won at like, 3AM or somesuch.
I find it funny that there is only one winner per hour but from here there has already been 2 winners, both from newer members. Springroll joined just to say he won and upon further investigation I found they also run a website very similar to the one posted here. This contest seems more like a decision to drum up a little bit more traffic to their site which in turn might get more business. The 2 members who stated they won might be more like pawns to keep us interested and too give false hope that this is a legit contest. I doubt that any of us regulars will win anything. This company does not have a store front or retail shop and ships directly from Hong Kong, China.

I could be wrong but this sure does smell fishy IMHO :ack:
Thanks Choo for that info so I don't drive myself nuts to be in front of the computer every hour ON the hour!!!:argh:
Hm, just received the freebie that I won some time back. Just thought I'd let you all know it apparently was legit, although I don't appreciate the lack of a volume control with the door alarm :/