(Expired) Recertified Linksys WMP54GS Wireless Adapter Card for $9.99 Shipped


Newegg.com recertified Linksys WMP54GS Wireless Adapter Card for a good price.

Item has a rating of 4/5 from 16 reviews

Pricegrabber Price for New : $68.98 ~ $70.98 Shipped

1. Newegg Price for Recertified : $19.99
2. Coupon Price : -$10.00 | Code : LINK314
Final Price : $9.99 Shipped

Hey Spoof I think the title is 'sposed to read CARD not CODE...

Anyhow - I expect everyone is gonna be dumping the wireless G stuff- in a year it'll be as popular as Wireless B is now.. N is the only way to fly now and its really cheap already.. EBAY N routers under $35 ..
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fantastic deal! thank you spoofee!

while g is not cutting edge, it is still sufficient for most uses. I dont really need this card, but I can forsee the need for a wireless card in the near future.

fantastic deal! thank you spoofee!

while g is not cutting edge, it is still sufficient for most uses. I dont really need this card, but I can forsee the need for a wireless card in the near future.

OK- well I agree the price can't be beat.. How did you get that CODE to work though!!?

Promo Code: LINK314 Apply
(For Example:code1,code2,code3,code4,code5)
|Click here to clear promotion code(s).
Sorry, the promo code LINK314 you've entered is invalid.

They may have killed the code. It worked for me a few hours ago.

I agree with jihiggs... the only time you need more than G is if you download a lot of media and have a stupid fast internet connection like FIOS or you do lots of pc-to-pc file transferring.

They may have killed the code. It worked for me a few hours ago.

I agree with jihiggs... the only time you need more than G is if you download a lot of media and have a stupid fast internet connection like FIOS or you do lots of pc-to-pc file transferring.

I hate to disagree. I have a NFS for backups. On G, sometimes even after a DAY the backups haven't completed.. Its so slow, its impractical.
G is definitely not sufficient anymore, I tried streaming a movie through my network and it was stuttering left and right. This wasn't HD or even DVD.
Well, I couldn't find the item. Your link went to a 128-item search list, and when I sorted it by price, I couldn't find any $20 recertified item. I found the new one, but that's no deal.

the discount code is busted anyhow

Well, I couldn't find the item. Your link went to a 128-item search list, and when I sorted it by price, I couldn't find any $20 recertified item. I found the new one, but that's no deal.


It dont work!