(Filled) Free Bottle of Old Orchard Juice - Coupon First 3000

Got this email this morn...have been trying & trying, can't get the page to fully load.
I can get to the survey if I keep refreshing the page for awhile, but the survey itself just won't load.

*don't give up, just keep refreshing...took ahile but I finally got the Survey Monkey to load & it's only a 4-5 question survey. I just got the page that says "Your survey has been submitted.Thanks for your feedback and filling out our survey! Your responses have been recorded." Now to see if the points show up in my acct.
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Thank you for your interest in completing our survey. However, we have collected all of the responses we need at this time and the survey is now closed.
Keep refreshing... Got in, took the so called survey... got my 2000 points...

FYI Survey says FIRST 5000
ok they must've changed it from first 3000 to first 5000 b/c the email definately says first 3000. Went back and took the survey. said the points were rewarded. My neighbor was here and it said not elig (took on a different pc and all) said might be b/c points were already rewarded but nothing..very strange.
Do thepoints get credited immediately? My survey said it went through but no points were added to my acct so far?
for those that it didn't work..try again. My friend tried by logging in first and then coming back here and clicking on the survey. Her points were then added ASAP and she got her coupon! :)
Hope this helps.
Do thepoints get credited immediately? My survey said it went through but no points were added to my acct so far?

Me either - I wonder if it truly went through or not. It was horrible trying to refresh those pages so many times :sad:
So I guess it didn't go through - I got this email just now.
You received this email because you created an account on OldOrchard.com. Unsubscribe instantly.

1,000 Reward Points have been added to your account

We apologize if you had a hard time accessing our survey promotion earlier this week. While we do not have a completed survey on record for you, we have added 1,000 Reward Points to your account for any inconvenience you may have encountered due to slow load times on our website.
Click here to view a complete log of your Reward Points.

Old Orchard Juice Co.
Yup, got the same email....guess mine didn't go through even though it thanked me for doing the survey & said my answers were recorded.