(Filled) Free Pack of 4 mm Activehold Yoga Elastics - First 1000

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It did take a VERY long time to load....:sleep: , but hopefully we will be one of the first ones to enter. Thanks again!!
Boy, you two weren't lying about the load time! Hopefully everyone else gave up waiting, so we'll get into the first 1,000. ;)
Boy, you two weren't lying about the load time! Hopefully everyone else gave up waiting, so we'll get into the first 1,000. ;)

I had no problem getting in, it loaded pretty quickly. Might be my cable connection:noidea: i'm not sure. But, Thanks OP!!:wave:
I clicked on "free samples," but nothing came up. Tried AOL and IE. Since they just told me I won a "Back to the Gym" package, I'll probably get some of these in my prize anyway!
Boy, you two weren't lying about the load time! Hopefully everyone else gave up waiting, so we'll get into the first 1,000. ;)

:rofl: :rofl: I was thinking the same thing! :rofl: The load time took almost an hour for me! Thanks for posting, glitterdog!
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Earlier it took forever to load so I left it.

They must have either been very busy or they fixed a problem cuz the page loads fairly quick now.

Thanks for the post!
Thanks Glitterdog, The page loaded quickly for me. Thanks for posting.

Debbie D.
The page loaded quickly for me. Thanks for posting.
Wish I am one of the 1st 1000
I have cable but it stll is taking too long. Since I have short hair, and have sent for these before and they never came, I decided to give up. Good luck to the rest of you and thanks anyway for the post.
Good luck to all, I gave up-I didn't want to wait that long. Thanks for the post though :)
Clicked on and then went and had my coffee. TeHee. But then I signed up. Hopefully I am one of the 1st. 1000.
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