Find out your porn star name.

Your Porn Star Name is: Sandra Spreadum
Rodney Rammer ;) Prepare to be boarded. Arrrrrrrrrrr

Gabriel :claps:
i guess i have a choice...
just my first name makes me Ima Cumming
but first and last is Sindee Slickbooty
Sandra Spunk - just first name entered

Mary Muffmuncher - first and last entered


My hubby's is Andy Asstronut

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clubchick said:
i guess i have a choice...
just my first name makes me Ima Cumming
but first and last is Sindee Slickbooty

I think Ima Cumming is better than Sindee Slickbooty! ;) :claps:
Everyone's is better then mine.... what the heck is Sandra Spunk????
mine is Rod Steel...

I remember Kron4 news has a reporter named April Cummings
iluvdeals said:
I think Ima Cumming is better than Sindee Slickbooty! ;) :claps:
yeah, i think you're right-- i'd rather be known for the one than the other :p
I don't have to go to that site for my porn star name. :tongue:

Although I've always liked Buck Naked. ;)
Yo anarkust I GOT THE SAME NAME Rodney Rammer Does your name start with an "A"????