Firefly Complete Season DVD Set + Venus Razor for $19.86 Shipped After Rebate

Staff member
Dec 21, 2001
Reaction score
Woot! I got the DVD set too. I don't care about the razor...but I got the kids some Speedo water shoes for $4.98 each (reg. $15) so I got free shipping. Good deal!
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The reason for the razor is to get free shipping. Since the razor is FAR it's the best add on you can get. :)

Kage_ said:
The reason for the razor is to get free shipping. Since the razor is FAR it's the best add on you can get. :)

I just don't need another razor, free or not. (And did not feel like dealing with a rebate too.) :o So I opted for a couple things we needed. ;)
Faerieglamour said:
I just don't need another razor, free or not. (And did not feel like dealing with a rebate too.) :o So I opted for a couple things we needed. ;)
That's even better. :D :bigok:

I have Amazon Prime, so I get free shipping anyway. For me, the razor is just another $10 I dont have to spend right now.

Cant wait to get this! I can throw away my stupid DVD5 copies.
LiveSquid said:
I have Amazon Prime, so I get free shipping anyway. For me, the razor is just another $10 I dont have to spend right now.

Cant wait to get this! I can throw away my stupid DVD5 copies.
send those dvds to me so i don have to buy em ;) ;) ;) ;) ;)
Sorry, kid.. I would agree if you were going to 'try before you buy' but I wont do it as a permanent solution. Besides, theyre trying to raise money for a new season. They need all the revenue they can get. $20 isnt much for a 4-disc, complete series boxset of a great show.
Has anyone else's order been tagged with an estimated ship date of March 8th? Just wondering if theyre gonna screw me out of this one too.
My ship date is even a few days later then that. I am not worried though. When I ordered, it said it would ship by the middle of the month. Not a problem for me...I can't see why our orders would be cancelled. It's not like the price went up to $40 or anything. ;)
I got an email tonight saying it shipped. A whole day early! Ill be getting it thursday. Thanks, Spoofers!