Free 128MB USB Drive from Air Products

Thanks! Hope this one comes. I've yet to get anything on a flash drive freebie so far.
Thanks! Everyone seems to say they have never gotten any USB drive they have signed up for, but I still hope I get this!
I have gotten two of them so far, but not sure what companies they were from, so keep trying, eventually one will come.
I have gotten 2 USB drives. One was from HP, the other I don't remember. Definitely worth a try though. Thanks Joyce!:bigok:
Thank you.
Your request has been submitted.
Free flash drive offers never show up, they are all a gimmick for information. remember this next time you delete junk email.
Free flash drive offers never show up, they are all a gimmick for information. remember this next time you delete junk email.

Actually I've gotten one before. It had company advertising on it which you could delete, and then use the flash drive. The small ones really aren't very expensive. It's actually a pretty cheap way for a company to advertise.

Maybe the offers for the free flash drives are so popular that they get backed up really fast? Then a lot of people would end up not getting the ones they signed up for. Just a guess.
I just got this email, so this one might actually be coming! Fingers crossed!

Thank you for requesting a sample of Airflex® EF833 Emulsion from Air Products. The sample, and a USB drive containing product and usage info, will ship as soon as possible.