Free 1GB USB Drive

It keeps saying "Please enter your *Please enter the promo code on direct mail piece (ie: USDMXXXX)"
Nevermind, I used the USDMXXXX and it went thru!

Probably won't get the drive, we shall see!

Thank You!
This is to confirm that the information you submitted has been received and you will receive your Yahoo! gift in 2 - 4 weeks.
still waiting on that other USB drive.... We got our old maillady back now and she is mean as heck, I hope she isnt a thief as well.
filled it out. don't know if it will come since they need business info but who knows
they want your business url, since i don't have one I guess i don't get this one. :(
I just put my business name but the website is still under development..we shall see guess it probably won't come.
Yes! Success!!!

Thank You!
This is to confirm that the information you submitted has been received and you will receive your Yahoo! gift in 2 - 4 weeks.

Oh yeah, I'm definitely getting this!!!!!
Thanks Glitter. I gave it a shot although I have NEVER received a free USB drive from Spoofee.:cry:
Could only get the site to load in IE. I've also never gotten a flash drive from a spoofee site, but hope this is the one that changes my streak.
Could only get the site to load in IE. I've also never gotten a flash drive from a spoofee site, but hope this is the one that changes my streak.

can't believe it only work in IE...
can't believe it only work in IE...

What do you expect after Yahoo and Microsoft went into an anti-Google/anti-Firefox/anti-Linux "partnership"? Now if they think a free USB stick is enough to make one change browser permanently... they are nuts.
Could only get the site to load in IE. I've also never gotten a flash drive from a spoofee site, but hope this is the one that changes my streak.

Worked fine for me in fire fox :noidea: