Free $5 Amazon GC for recording 10 song clips that YOU sing


Platinum Member
Sep 29, 2004
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Free $5 Amazon GC for recording 10 song clips that YOU sing

Singing Competition
borrowed from AT
This is an objective singing competition based on how well you sing a song of your choice. You will need a microphone and have Java Runtime Enviornment 1.3 or higher to participate. To install Java, please click here and follow the directions there.

To be considered for the iPod Mini, you will be recording at least 10 songs. The more you record, the better your chance of winning, but you need to record a minimum of 10 songs. As an added bonus, everyone who completes their ten songs by June 15, 2005, will receive a $5 Amazon Gift Certificate.

You will need to sing two songs with "La-La's", hum three songs, sing normally four songs, and whistle (or hum if you can't) one song. You can select which type of recording each one is prior to recording (or edit it later). For example, you can sing the first two songs with "La-La's", hum the next three, sing normally the next four, and whistle (or hum if you can't) the last song, making a total of 10 songs. Anything beyond these 10 can be sung anyway you want. Please keep in mind you may only record a single time for each song (i.e. you can only press record once). However, if you make a mistake by not having your microphone plugged in, you can record extra songs (and indicate thus in the comments field). These clips should be in the range of 10-30 seconds.
If I sent them 10 songs of me singing, they would want their money back and then some. :o
big daddy said:
If I sent them 10 songs of me singing, they would want their money back and then some. :o
Shoot, they'd be asking me to pay their therapy bills :eek: and medical expenses for lost hearing. :30:

I am SO glad my microphone doesn't work on the computer. :)
big daddy said:
If I sent them 10 songs of me singing, they would want their money back and then some. :o
awww, i doubt they'd do that to ya

say, the sign up form has a selection for "age - below 10", meaning The Sophinator & Charzilla would be viable contestants! :D
don't even sing just say la la la like you would normally for 10 seconds and then humming is easy, just sing the alphabet or a child song like row row row your boat. i did it and i got my 5 bucks