Free A&E T-shirt


kid looking for stuff
Aug 3, 2006
Reaction score

O.K. I haven't done this yet but my cousin told me about it. She called me today and told me that if you go into American Eagle and try on a pair of jeans then you will get a free t-shirt.

She did it this morning. She got a black t-shirt (I am not aware of the design).

I don't know how long this will last but you might wanna give it a try. (i think i might add *while supplies last)

At least it's free.

Oh yeah. Sorry it's not an online deal lol..oh well.


I think they are these shirts: for guys

and not sure about for girls (can't find it on their website).
My cousin said it had a logo in the bottom corner of the shirt.
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Cool offer, although I don't think I can fit into their jeans (dunno, never shopped there?). aren't they cut for 'teen' sizes? I'll pass it along to my SIL tho!
Yeah, my cousin told me when she came over today...I don't know if they just gave it to her but she got it. She's happy.
well not my cousin said that she went again and they are out =[ we live in oklahoma and its been 2 days

oh yeah the shirt has like a band design...