Free After Rebate

Just checked it out! Great site! Buy and send in info if you're not satisfied for a refund! That's what I call great! Many times I've tried things only to be disappointed and felt i've thrown $$ away! ;-)
The Reynolds wrap is a great one 3 rolls and get a $10.00 rebate before 1/14/08, makes me go out and get more. What do you do if several items are on one receipt, because they will not accept photo copies of cash register receipts?
THIS IS GREAT! I wish I'd known about it before Christmas! I missed a few rebates because I've already trashed the UPCs. Oh well, I added it to my favorites so I won't miss it next time!
I always ask for a duplicate receipt. I know Wal-mart does that. Usually I have to ask for a supervisor first because the cashiers don't know how to do it and the need an override anyway.:teeth: