-Spyware blaster is great. Just make sure to check for updates once a week as the free version will not do this automatically.
-Stay away from Spybot Search and Destroy. If you do decide to get it, don't install Tea Timer
-Avoid Adaware. It is a after-the-fact solution meaning, no real-time protection
-Head over to pctools.com and download their free version of antivirus and threatfire antimalware. In addition, make sure to have a firewall.
Honestly, though, if you want to avoid getting your computer infected, its really simple:
1) make sure to have a firewall, anti spyware and antivirus. Make sure that you run updates weekly
2) Don't use Internet Explorer. Use Firefox. Thisis very important
3) Don't download executable files that you receive from your email, even if they are from friends or family. This means .doc, .docx, .ppt, .pdf files should not be downloaded to your computer and opened unless you know they are from a reliable source. One thing that I do is that I have set up a passphrase with friends/family when I send an attachment to them. That way, they know it is legit.
4) Tell friends not to just forward emails blindly.
5) If you go to a site and all of a sudden you get a pop-up stating that your computer is infected and to press the button on the pop up to get of it, DON'T DO IT.