What it is: FREE Backpacker Magazine, one-year subscription. Backpacker delivers accurate, useful, in-depth, and engaging content about primarily foot-based wilderness travel in North America. Every issue brings you objective product reviews, compelling photographs, and inspiring stories.
Where To Get It:
Estimated Time It Takes To Fill Out Form: 1 to 2 Minutes
Note: I just filled in the boxes about my occupation at random and was able to get the magazine.
I'll be back with more deals soon! Support me by signing the guestbook at my website: http://www.mastavic.com
-=MaStA ViC
Where To Get It:
Estimated Time It Takes To Fill Out Form: 1 to 2 Minutes
Note: I just filled in the boxes about my occupation at random and was able to get the magazine.
I'll be back with more deals soon! Support me by signing the guestbook at my website: http://www.mastavic.com
-=MaStA ViC