Free Book It Materials and Possible free pizza Hut pizza (HOME SCHOOL)


Diamond Member
May 9, 2007
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Free Book It Materials and Possible free pizza Hut pizza (HOME SCHOOL)

Register for free Book It Materials for homeschool families and free Pizza from Pizza Hut for meeting reading goal.

Welcome to the BOOK IT! online ordering form. We're glad you have chosen to enroll your homeschool family. Please provide the following information to request FREE BOOK IT! materials for the 2008-09 BOOK IT! Program for grades K-6.

Visit their website to enroll your homeschool family. You will receive free Book It materials for the 2008-09 Program for grades K-6.

The BOOK IT! Program starts October 1 and ends March 31 of each school year and is available to grades K-6.

The teacher sets a monthly reading goal for each child in the class.

As soon as the monthly reading goal has been met, the teacher presents the child with a Reading Award Certificate.
The child takes the certificate to a Pizza Hut® restaurant, where he or she is congratulated by the manager or service team and given a free, one-topping Personal Pan Pizza®. On the first visit, the child also receives a BOOK IT! card with clip and a sticker for the card. There is no purchase necessary and the pizza can be taken to go.

On each subsequent visit, the child is again congratulated and given another Personal Pan Pizza and a sticker to recognize reading achievement.
Thank you for your enrollment request for the
2008-09 BOOK IT! Program for grades K-6.

Materials will arrive by mid-September.