Free Bracelet for your loved ones in Iraq


Super Moderatorette
May 20, 2004
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Free Bracelet for your loved ones in Iraq

I am making these bracelets available to everyone who has a loved one that has been deployed. No matter where they are stationed. As of 5/27/2004 we have mailed out 92,048 bracelets to all parts of the world. So far we have orders for over 135,000 bracelets.

e-mail [email protected] or click on the contact button. Please remember to tell me how many bracelets you want and your shipping information. I will ship them asap. If you would like to sign my guestbook it is on the bottom of the front page. God Bless All the Troops, Jenessa.
I think this is a great site! I have many friends over in Iraq right now, I got luckly and didnt get deployed there.
April said:
Recieved :bigok:
Just out of curiousity, how long did it take for you to get them?
I also think this is a great idea, i asked in the email if there was any way that i could help out too. :)
Mommy-Of-2 said:
Just out of curiousity, how long did it take for you to get them?
I also think this is a great idea, i asked in the email if there was any way that i could help out too. :)

It takes about 2 months
Cool Sweet Freebie.. (Free Bracelet)

I will copy and paste the story..

From a little girl with a big heart
This is about a free bracelet, but there is much more to the story than that of a typical free trinket. This is about a 12 year old girl (Jenessa Alexis) who started out just wanting to do something to support her uncle who is serving in Iraq and has ended up supplying over 90,000 patriotic bracelets for free to any who requested them.
Jenessa has organized others to help her make the Harms Way 4 Kids bracelets and has secured donated materials. She has appeared on the Tonight Show and has visited the troops and their families at Fort Hood.

I always ask that you only request freebies that you are going to use and it I'm making a strong request here that if you are going to request a free bracelet, you wear it in support of the troops and their families
I think this is wonderful. This little girl is doing a great thing!
This is a REPOST

************This is a REPOST**************

see original below

Free Bracelet for your loved ones in Iraq


Free Bracelet for your loved ones in Iraq

I am making these bracelets available to everyone who has a loved one that has been deployed. No matter where they are stationed. As of 5/27/2004 we have mailed out 92,048 bracelets to all parts of the world. So far we have orders for over 135,000 bracelets.

e-mail [email protected] or click on the contact button. Please remember to tell me how many bracelets you want and your shipping information. I will ship them asap. If you would like to sign my guestbook it is on the bottom of the front page. God Bless All the Troops, Jenessa.
Oh I see you changed it NOW to show the original post.
Thank you
That is wonderful! I will wait until a little closer to our 6th deployment (in 15 years of marriage) to request one. Thanks...

Free Patriotic Bracelet

This is about a free bracelet, but there is much more to the story than that of a typical free trinket. This is about a 12 year old girl (Jenessa Alexis) who started out just wanting to do something to support her uncle who is serving in Iraq and has ended up supplying over 90,000 patriotic bracelets for free to any who requested them.
Jenessa has organized others to help her make the Harms Way 4 Kids bracelets and has secured donated materials. She has appeared on the Tonight Show and has visited the troops and their families at Fort Hood

E-mail her to let her know you want a bracelet
That's a great thing the little girl is doing. :( I didn't have the heart to do it though.

:girl: I am making these bracelets available to everyone who has a loved one that has been deployed.
I agree, this is awesome, all of the support she has had, it even said her entire school participated in helping her make bracelets and she has been on the Jay Leno show, I agree, it's not to be abused, and is an awesome and touching story when you take the time to read it!