Free Bully Sticks Dog Treats Sample - 150 per month

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Thank you for your interest in our products! Your free sample will be in the mail soon!
wow must be getting slammed, taking forever to load
Thanks OP! Another great one to donate to my local shelter! :)
Thank you for your interest in our products!

If you are one of the first 150 customers to request a sample this month, we'll be shipping out your sample shortly! If you don't receive a sample in the next two weeks, please try again a the beginning of next month.
Free hardened bull penis. At least they're dog treats. Yes, they are made from bull penis.
Free hardened bull penis. At least they're dog treats. Yes, they are made from bull penis.

...And yes they are expensive and yes they smell horrible. :lol:

We bought 1 for each of our dogs