Free bussiness card samples ( lower left corner!)

i Just got this message:

Sorry! Your session has ended.

After a certain length of time, the server can no longer store
the information needed to keep you on the page you were on.

Return to the website where you found this Studio link and click it again
If you know the website name, type it in the address bar.
hhmmm.....i just clicked on my link again...& the page loaded right up, than i clicked on the "free sample" link & that worked fine too!
Just got the same error page. Of course, i still haven't received my new glasses, so it could just be me. :D
:cussing: :hmm: i honestly don't know what to tell you guys....i just clicked on it again, no problems here.....sent the link to my mom & aunt, waiting to hear back if it worked for them or not......i'm baffled! :banghead:
I dont know either. Just tried it again and no luck. Oh well no big deal.