Free CamoCare Samples


Iron Member
Jan 31, 2005
Reaction score
this is the sample that keep on giving!!! i got 4 packets about a week ago (only took one week) and then saturday i got 3 more packets!! Just request samples inthe comment field!

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We've been coming across some older ones today...Thanks for the bump Joyce! :bigok:
Thank you for submitting your information.

I e-mailed them on 3/3 and received a few different samples today--three tiny skincare packets, a few vitamin/supplement samples and some Kwai garlic tablets. All from ABKIT.
Thanks, freebiequeen for posting. Also, thanks Pat for the tip...if you don't receive freebies you have requested, send email & let them have it!LOL See, I am catching on...learning from the expert! LOL But seriously, thanks for filling us all in on what you have & have not received after your follow-up email(s)!
Thanks, freebiequeen for posting. Also, thanks Pat for the tip...if you don't receive freebies you have requested, send email & let them have it!LOL See, I am catching on...learning from the expert! LOL But seriously, thanks for filling us all in on what you have & have not received after your follow-up email(s)!

The problem seems to be that if I say I followed up and finally received the item, people think it's an ongoing offer rather than an old offer. I don't think they are all reading all the posts in the thread to get the full picture. Then I feel bad because they're just wasting their time on something which will not ever arrive. I only receive it because I have been promised something at the time the page was up.
The problem seems to be that if I say I followed up and finally received the item, people think it's an ongoing offer rather than an old offer. I don't think they are all reading all the posts in the thread to get the full picture. Then I feel bad because they're just wasting their time on something which will not ever arrive. I only receive it because I have been promised something at the time the page was up.

Well that's the problem....when people don't read through the entire thread. I always make sure to read every post in the threads...otherwise I would be wasting my time and not getting all of the updates & such. I was just referring to the ones that people have actually signed up for(when the offer was still ongoing) and never received...but if it looks like the offer is still going then I usually sign up regardless if people have received the items or not...then if I don't receive it...I will go from there and use alot of the valuable tips that you have listed. However, you shouldn't feel bad for the people who sign up w/o looking through entire thread for the whole picture. Thanks again for all of the tips!
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