FREE Diabetes Medical Alert Necklace (Must Send Self-addressed Stamped Envelope)

Thanks, this will be cool to give to my mom.:clock:
FREE Diabetes Medical Alert Necklace
Link is on the top left corner

The risk of diabetes related complications can be substantially reduced through a combination of good health care provision and empowerment of people with diabetes.

Take this step for yourself or someone you love who has diabetes. Wearing this medical alert necklace can mean the difference between life and death - it is free, and it is smart!

Complete the form below and we'll send you one FREE!

Only available to U.S.A. addresses at this time.
It's not totally free anymore. Now it requires an SASE (self addressed stamped envelope).


The risk of diabetes related complications can be substantially reduced through a combination of good health care provision and empowerment of people with diabetes.

Take this step for yourself or someone you love who has diabetes. Wearing this medical alert necklace can mean the difference between life and death - it is free, and it is smart!

Send a self addressed stamped envelope to:

Free Diabetes Medical Alert Necklace
Diabetes Research & Wellness Network
P.O. Box 96046
Washington, DC 20090-6046