Free EAS Product Up To $3.89


Master League
Staff member
Feb 8, 2008
Reaction score
EAS is offering a coupon good for one free EAS product (up to $3).

If the coupon does not work, you can get one from EAS directly by clicking here and "Like EAS" on Facebook. Enter their Unstoppable Weekend sweepstakes. Once you have entered, you'll be able to print your coupons however many you'd like

- Link to Printable Coupon
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I tried this out last year when it popped up. It was a pretty nasty taste, but hey - it was free!
I did this a few months ago and redeemed at Wegman's for a four-pack of the Myoplex Lite Chocolate RTD (ready to drink). It was pretty decent. The coupon dropped the price from $7.29 to $3.40. Note that many stores (including Walmart and Wegmans) won't redeem printed internet coupons but the cashier at Wegman's did it both times I shopped there and used the coupons. Your mileage may vary.
anyone know where they sell eas products in los angeles county?
Vitamin Shoppe but I don't know if they will take the coupon. They took some internet-printed coupons for Celsius.
Walmart accepts internet coupons

Here is thier coupon policy Walmart Coupon Policy

Walmart accepts the following types of coupons (see guidelines below):

Manufacturer coupons (Cents Off)
Free merchandise (or manufacturer's Buy-One-Get-One-Free) coupons
Store coupons
Pharmacy (Advertising and Promotional) coupons
Internet coupons
Soft drink container caps
The following are guidelines and limits:

Walmart only accepts coupons for merchandise we sell and only when presented at the time of purchase.
Coupons should have an expiration date and be presented within the valid dates. Walmart will not accept expired coupons.
Internet coupons should be legible and say "Manufacturer Coupon." There should be a valid remit address for the manufacturer and a scannable bar code.
Only one coupon per item is permitted.
Use of 40 or more coupons per transaction will require approval by Customer Service Manager