FREE Gel Pad from Geltec Products

I've signed up for this a few times... it doesn't come. :thumbs_do
If you live in Utah, just go to any IntelliBed store. They give them out free there. I actually have one of these things, they are pretty cool.
Free gel toy sample


Stress reliever, pen holder, & ergonomic wrist and elbow cushion are just a few of the uses we've seen. [/URL]

I hope this works, this is the first time I have tried to start a post here. :)
i really hope this comes. i could use some stress relief
Seems like a really cool item. Hope it comes. :tongue:
I've tried to sign up for this many times, and it never came.
As many of the others I also have signed up for this item many times and have never seen anything.
Free gel toy/stress reliever sample


Stress reliever, pen holder, & ergonomic wrist and elbow cushion are just a few of the uses we've seen!

Note: Actual sample color may vary
NOTICE: Due to the overwhelming number of requests, please allow 2-3 weeks for processing -- limit one per order. Delivery to foreign countries may take an additional 1-2 weeks. If you are seriously considering a purchase before that time, please call or e-mail us at [email protected]
SWEET!! now i can squeeze this instead of popping someone in the head :D

I kid I kid.. I promise :angel: