Free George W Bush Downloads


Silver Member
Dec 12, 2003
Reaction score
Just so no one thinks this is a democracy, I mean democratic forum. Here is a link to free downloads from George W. Bush 04 site.

In no way does this make me a republican does it?
About as much as eating at McDonald's makes you a hamburger. Though, you know what they say..."Guilty by association" :p
A subtitle to you favorite Cap'n : "As my father before me said. Know new taxes!"

BTW I love your cereal.
No, I'm not a Republican!

Hope my avatar doen't make you think I'm Republican. ;) I'm actually independent but I like the morals that President Bush displays. :claps: And after hearing what some of the returning troops who were in Iraq had to say about the situation - they believe we need to be there for the people of that country - I'm a little more alright that we have troops there. Though I hope that it won't be long before there own government can get established and we can start bringing more of our troops home. GOD Bless America! :42:
I had to combat your avatar somehow, hope you like mine. :)
Wow, this buddy icon really is ugly and distorted, it's directly from the Kerry website, I guess he's not very computer literate. ;)