Free Gift Card from for Voting-*Today Only*

I got one for $5.00 also. I'd love to see who gets one for more than $5! Thanks for the post.
well, i got $5

someone, pick: MISS DIOR by Christian Dior.

because apparently the winner's pick is that one.

i think.
not sure
Congratulations! You won a $5 Gift Card from
Please check your email for further instructions.

YAY...I won also!
Congratulations! You won a $5 Gift Card from
Please check your email for further instructions.
redeeming coupon

I won a $10 certificate! However, when I went to redeem for a $5.64 item, I thought I would get a pretty good deal (since shipping is $5.99). I thought my total would be $1.63, after my ten dollars was subtracted. But, turns out they take the $10 off the item itself and don't take off the shipping I still end up paying $5.99. Not worth it to me. Please post anybody who gets a good deal on this one. It could be worth it if you win a big certificate I suppose!
Congratulations! You won a $5 Gift Card from
I won a $10 certificate! However, when I went to redeem for a $5.64 item, I thought I would get a pretty good deal (since shipping is $5.99). I thought my total would be $1.63, after my ten dollars was subtracted. But, turns out they take the $10 off the item itself and don't take off the shipping I still end up paying $5.99. Not worth it to me. Please post anybody who gets a good deal on this one. It could be worth it if you win a big certificate I suppose!

I looked around online and couldn't find a free shipping code. The only free shipping code I could find was for if you paid $59 or more. :(
:verysad: Now it says "You have already voted!"
I too won a $5.00 gift card.Thanks Joyce!!!
I got the $10 gift!! You want it Ellie?? Doubt I will use it.
I voted but so far nothing in my e-mail. Maybe it takes a while.
Both my Mom and I received the five dollar gift card and the email with the code for redeeming the same. Helps if you want to use it toward shipping. Thank you Joyce!
Yes, I got a 10.00 gift card, SWEET . . . THANX. . .