Free Glue Dot Samples

In the trades, they call theses things "snots"
I got my samples today. That was fast and there were quite few dots there, too! :)
Thanks for the post..maybe there will be enough for my daughter to trya and hang her poster.
i do scrapbooking so i'm so excited...THANKS!!! =0)
Thank you. I do a little scrapbooking and a whole lotta card making!!!! This is just in time since I am just about out of mine.
I got mine in the mail today.. There are quite a few, different sizes and strengths.
Got these today, that was really fast. These are great if you have uses for them, which I do!
Thanks for the post Joyce
Glue Dots

Thanks Joyce I hope that I get them!
Looking forward to getting my sample of SNOTS.. lol

Thanks Joyce