Free Greeting Card Samples from Hallmark Business Expressions

Pssst, Joyce... where on this web site do you go for the free samples?
Coolness. I don't know how many of these it'll actually let me have, but I certainly asked for plenty. Thanks for the find!
Got 13 pristine cards in the mail from this one yesterday. Well worth it. I might even end up ordering some of these for my business...
Got 13 pristine cards in the mail from this one yesterday. Well worth it. I might even end up ordering some of these for my business...

If you do order, you can get points on your Hallmark Gold Crown card. Saw something on the website about that. I ordered a bunch, too, and want to thank the OP!
I received these cards in the mail today. They are really nice with foil lined matching envelopes. These are the best ones that I've received so far.

Thanks, Joyce!
I received mine, too, and they came in a sturdy envelope...very nice, thanks!
OMG, these cards are beautiful - full sized, foil envelopes! I love em!!!!!!!!!!!!!