FREE HBO's Addiction dvd box set * Alcohol or Drug treatment providers*


Diamond Member
Jun 25, 2005
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FREE HBO's Addiction dvd box set * Alcohol or Drug treatment providers*

code: DVDE

Join Together -- in partnership with HBO and through the support of the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation -- is distributing a limited number of free 4-disc sets of HBO's award winning documentary series ADDICTION.
Thanks for this post, I sent one to my office and will see if it comes. I'm sure it will help someone there.
Because of limited stock, DVDs will be distributed only to U.S. alcohol and drug treatment centers. If we are able to fill your request, you will receive an confirmation email from us in early September.

:doh: Wow - I'm really sorry I missed this one! The Addiction series was a comprehensive, educational and inspiring look into the world of substance abuse from the points of view of both the addict and their loved ones. I did manage to record a couple of topics off On Demand, but I really wish I could afford to buy the series. Well worth a look if you get the chance fellow Spoofers :claps:
Program over! No more DVD's available for distribution! Too bad!